Sciatica Test - Do You Have It?

So you think you have sciatica? Yikes. I could tell you how much it stinks, but I am sure you already know that or you would not be here. Before you start talking to your doctor about cures for sciatica, you need to know if you have really been given 'the gift' (yes, that is sarcasm).

So let's do the test. An easy and simple sciatica test to let you know if you might have it. Anyone can do it, after all, you only need two things:

1 - A Floor

2 - A Friend - or an aqquaintance that would do it for a latte. (Hey, it's still cheaper than a doctor's co-pay).

Alright, so now you have the basics. What's next? Well, first, don't stress. I promise you this will be the easiest test you have ever had.

Your At Home Sciatica Test
  1. Lay on the floor with your legs straight
  2. Have your friend sit beside you
  3. Take the leg that does not hurt and raise if off the ground.
  4. Have your friend make a mental note of how high you can raise this
  5. Now put the leg that does not hurt down and lift the leg that does hurt
  6. Have your friend make note of how far you can lift the hurt leg before the pain starts
Your Results (drumroll please)...
If the leg that is bugging you cannot be raised as high as the leg that is not hurting, odds are it is related to your sciatic nerve.

Who knew it could be this easy to know for sure?

Of course, you should talk to your doctor and all that jazz if you feel like you need a definite answer. This test is just a simple way of knowing what avenues you and your doctor should explore.

And then, when you are ready, you can learn to treat sciatic nerve pain permanently.