Sciatic Nerve Stretches - a Vital way for Relief

Sciatic Nerve Stretches are a a great way to treat sciatic nerve pain. In fact, stretching is crucial to your sciatic nerve pain treatment.

The greatest reason to stretch is because it will keep your muscles loose. When your muscles are loose, they do not tense and aggravate the sciatic nerve.

TIP: Did you know spending just a few minutes a day doing sciatic nerve stretches can save you the cost of going to physical therapy, or massage therapy for your pain?

Unlike most exercises for sciatica, using sciatic nerve stretches is easy and actually feels good.

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A quick Guide to Using Sciatic Nerve Stretches

Best Sciatic Nerve Stretches

- Yoga
 - McKenzie Method
 - Pilates
 - Core Strenghening Stretches
 - Hamstring Stretches
 - Lower Back Stretches

Worst Sciatic Nerve Stretches

 - Rotational Stretch
 - Toe Touch Stretch
 - 'Knee to Chest Stretch' - if you push this past the point where
                                       you start to feel pain
 - Any stretch where your lower back is strained in any way

When you Must talk to your doctor before using Sciatic Nerve Stretches

As great as sciatic nerve stretches are, they are useless if they put you in more pain. Most people who have sciatica will benefit greatly from these stretches.

Still though, others should talk to their doctor before doing stretches as they wil likely only make the pain worse.

How do you know which one you are ?

If you are suffering from sciatica piriformis syndrome, then our sciatica piriformis stretches will be your best friend. If you have slipped disc sciatica, you may want to talk to your doctor, there is always a chance that certain stretches will make your condition worse.

Note: If you are unsure which type of sciatica you have, take note of your sciatic pain. If you can feel your pain deep in your buttocks and possibly shooting down your leg, there is a good chance that it is piriformis syndrome.

Are you Ready to Treat Sciatic Nerve Pain?